CRC News Archive

New HEAD Talks Video Animates Sustainable Development

If you look up sustainable development, it often only addresses two concerns: the environment and the economy. But some definitions include a third concern that is equally important: the social imperative. Our new HEAD Talks video animates an article written by Professor Ann Dale and Dr. Lenore Newman called Sustainable Development for Some: “Green” Urban Development.

New Map Featuring Social Innovation Labs Across Canada

Social innovation labs are sprouting up across Canada that efficiently combine multi-sectorial resources to solve wicked societal problems. Often supported by and housed in postsecondary institutions, labs foster collaboration between private/for profit, public/government, academic and nonprofit actors. But where are these labs located? How are they structured, housed, managed and financed? What are their successes and lessons learned? Our “Social Innovation Labs in Canada” project is an attempt to answer these questions using a sample of existing labs.

MC3 2.0: Data Collection and Analysis Update

Our research project, MC3: Meeting the Climate Change Challenge has two phases. The first phase, 2012—2014, interviewed 11 local government climate innovators. The second phase of the research, as one of its deliverables, re-interviewed a sub sample of the original interviewees in order to track if any changes had occurred in their development paths. Included in this sub sample were interviewees with the elected officials from the virtual conversations led in the first phase.

Follow CRC Research on Pinterest

We are pleased to announce the launch of our new CRC Research Pinterest account. From Canadian wildlife and biodiversity to data visualizations and design, this social media platform provides a space to experiment with curatorial practice and research dissemination. Organized into 15 curated boards, our page not only features our work but also images pinned from interesting content found across the web. 

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