New Case Study Released
L'Ange Gardien: A Model Incubator Farm
L'Ange Gardien: A Model Incubator Farm
As we lead into COP 21 in Paris in a week, there have been many important developments in Canada.
The transcript for the Not For Profits in the 21st Century e-Dialogue held on June 23, 2015 is now avialable here.
The third e-Dialogue on The Climate Imperative: Canadian Voices has now been published. Please download here.
The second e-Dialogue on The Climate Imperative: The Provincial Context has now been published. Please download here.
The first e-Dialogue on The Climate Imperative: The Art of the Possible has now been published.
A new case study exploring Rural Car Share Operations in the Kootney by Colleen Matte has been published.
A new video is being shared through CRC HEADTalks.
The transcript for the Social Innovation e-Dialogue held on April 15, 2015 is now avialable here.
We have also published the word clouds highlighting the main thoughts and ideas from our conversation.
Stay tuned for more e-Dialogues coming in May.
The transcript for the Future of Work e-Dialogue held on January 29, 2015 is now avialable here.
We have also published the word clouds from each of the eight virtual dialogues we have led over the last two years to see the main themes we will be discussing on February 27th during the peer-to-peer learning exchange in Victoria, B.C.