CRC News Archive

The Vitality Project is live!

What makes a community thrive? Is there optimal scale for the neighbourhood, city, and region? What are the new models of governance do we require for managing multiple, competing uses of land, our natural resources, and for maintaining our own vitality? What makes a community not just get by, but GET AHEAD?

Our new website

The CRC website has a upgraded to a more navigable design to allow users to easily access all the research, news, and projects on sustainable community development. See our new features, especially 'Community News', which highlights sustainable community development projects by partner organizations, colleagues and other groups working on similar issues. We hope you enjoy our new design and we encourage you to explore our work and welcome any comments you have.

New article posted: Insights on social sustainability in Dockside Green

Recently submitted to CRC Research, Dockside Green: Insight on the social aspects of the LEED- ‐ND standard community development examines the social aspects of the LEED-ND development in Victoria, BC: Dockside Green. Dockside Green employs innovative, state-of-the-art green development practices to achieve sustainability, and the community is regarded as Victoria's first environmentally sustainable community.

New CRC YouTube Video

The most recent video on the our YouTube Channel explores a more experimental method of communicating ideas on density, transportation and sustainable community development. The video uses stop motion clay animation to illustrate the differences between poorly planned urban sprawl and sustainable community planning. Visit the CRC YouTube Channel to see this recent addition to the CRC HEAD Talks video series.