
Journal Title: The International Journal of Interdisciplinary Environmental Studies
Journal Number:
Journal Volume: 3
Journal Pages: 17-35
Journal Title: Cogent Social Sciences
Journal Number:
Journal Volume: 1

Data visualizations can serve as an integral component of online climate change research dissemination strategies, as they are effective and efficient ways for attracting diverse public audiences and delivering research information in a timely fashion.

Journal Title: Alternatives Magazine
Journal Number:
Journal Volume: 1
Journal Pages: 77-79

The February 2015 issue of Alternatives was a feature edition about the work of Sustainable Canada Dialogues project.

This paper explores the role that Internet and online technologies played in research dissemination and knowledge mobilization in a recent climate change research project, MC3. In addition, the team looked at the potential of on-line expert-practitioner research collaborations for these purposes.

Journal Number:
Journal Volume: 4

This article details novel research methodology developed through a researcher-practitioner partnership and employed in a three-phase research effort that explored relationships between the co-operative model and sustainable development.

Journal Number:
Journal Volume: 1
Journal Pages: 149–178

La plate-forme de dialogue électronique e-dialogue constitue un espace de discussion interdisciplinaire et transdisciplinaire qui promeut un partage et un transfert de connaissances. Elle a été élaborée en 2001 dans le but d’explorer le potentiel d’Internet pour mobiliser divers groupes et réunir une multitude de points de vue afin qu’un dialogue de fond puisse avoir lieu.

Journal Title: Spaces and Flows: An International Journal of Urban and ExtraUrban Studies
Journal Number:
Journal Volume: 4
Journal Pages: 85-93

Topophilia, or love of place, has been described as a desirable outcome of urban planning. The rhythms of movement within a city at different times and in diverse ways help to generate this sense of topophilia within urban spaces.

Journal Title: Forum: Qualitative Social Research
Journal Number:
Journal Volume: 15

The e-Dialogue platform was developed in 2001 to explore the potential of using the Internet for engaging diverse groups of people and multiple perspectives in substantive dialogue on sustainability. The system is online, text-based, and serves as a transdisciplinary space for bringing together researchers, practitioners, policy-makers and community leaders.

Journal Title: Climate Policy
Journal Number:
Journal Volume: 4
Journal Pages: 467-487

While climate change action plans are becoming more common, it is still unclear whether communities have the capacity, tools, and targets in place to trigger the transformative levels of change required to build fundamentally low-carbon, resilient, healthy communities.

Journal Title: Community Development Journal
Journal Number:
Journal Volume: 3
Journal Pages: 426-440

What makes one community survive an economic downturn, whilst others collapse? What gives one individual the ability to transcend a personal tragedy, whilst others hit the street?
