Views from the Edge

Conversations from the Edge

Welcome to the CRC blog, where we discuss bleeding edge issues around sustainable community development. The term ‘bleeding edge’ connotes the idea of our failure to somehow or other convince the publics about the urgency of responding to climate change now, and that we need to better communicate the principles and practises of sustainable development to the wider publics. So, yes it takes courage to be 'at the edge', and sometimes one 'bleeds' a lot, but let's start the conversation now.

Choice, Happiness and Spaghetti Sauce

Listen to Malcolm Gladwell talk about important insights from the food marketing industry. You may…

Celebrating the Mundane

A few years ago Lenore Newman and I wrote an article called In Praise of Mundane Nature, in…

Reconnecting with Fun

We have yet to mobilize meaningful social action on many key environmental issues, especially…

Patterns of Our Footsteps - Aging Well

The figure below displays the changes in Canadian age demographics over the last forty years,…

Change is Blowing in the Wind

This is a must read article by Warren Buffett's son, change is blowing in the wind.

Food for Thought

Recently read an article in the Globe and Mail, about housing and seniors in Vancouver. The article…

The Good Society - Health Accountability

CBC’s the fifth estate has launched an interactive tool that allows patients to rate the…

Energy Efficiency is the Fifth Fuel

A key report was recently published, Redrawing the Energy-Climate Map by the International Energy…

Living Space

In our community vitality project, we developed 6 indicators of vitality for a neighbourhood,…