
Walk on, Mandela

In July 2018, it will be a 100 years since the birth of Nelson Mandela, who led his people with magnanimity, wisdom and great vision. His widow, Graca Machel and Richard Branson, head of Virgin United

Man vs. Earth

Earth is 4.5 billion years old. Mankind is 140,000 years old. If condensed into 24 hours, then humans have been alive for just 3 seconds. And look at all that we have done to our planet. We have “covered our ears to mother nature’s screams and closed our eyes to her help wanted signs”. Watch Prince Ea’s mesmerizing monologue and fact-filled rhymes pleading for the world to come together to ensure we make it to the fourth second. 

Peace and Harmony

Daniel Barenboim, the Israeli-Argentinian maestro leads his West-Eastern Divan Orchestra this evening in an open-air concert in Berlin. He founded it in 1999 with the late Palestinian-American scholar Edward Said, as an experiment in co-existence. An orchestra alone cannot bring peace, as Mr Barenboim and the more than 100 musicians from Israel and Arab countries concede. But it can further mutual understanding and exemplify the necessary co-operation, patience and courage; the United Nations made Mr Barenboim “messenger of peace”.

The World is poorer

The world is a poorer place when a musician is silenced, but there is another brighter star in the sky. Paul Horn has died, Ann Mortifee's partner. Ann wrote, "I have been privileged to share the love of a man who has always been true to his Highest Self. He followed the call of his inner knowing wherever it led him".