Our core student training objective is to emphasize critical and emerging areas of adaptation and resiliency planning and related research. We will provide students with applied experience in policy analysis, case study evaluation, and state-of-the-art policy research methodologies; and provide experience relevant to academic and non-academic careers by linking their research with current issues in planning and adaptation.
The project is cumulative and the Ph.D. students, in addition to their core contribution to the development of the survey, may also participate in the case and best practices studies where there is an opportunity for each to develop unique approaches and questions related to adaptation and resiliency. Our objective is to remain open to individual thematic ideas that students can bring to the research program.
Students will gain training and experience in comparative case-study research, survey design, qualitative and quantitative analyses, literature-based research and synthesis, policy interpretation and development of conceptual frameworks. The project will place students in the forefront of survey activities, literature reviews, data analysis, and dissemination of results.
Faculty members are committed to collaboration with graduate students on research publications and will seek to provide opportunities for students to present their research at conferences.