The The NY Times published an article on the City of Chicago's climate adaptation strategy. The article details the plans Chicago intends to enact to adapt the city/community to a new climate and also discusses the sort of extreme changes they might expect.
A preliminary scan of British Columbia community and First Nations responses to climate change mitigation has been conducted. Please note this is a draft as we are still collecting data and we will be updating this as more information becomes available.
This background discussion paper contains a scan of international best practices of sustainable urban development that was prepared for a series of on-line real-time e-Dialogues between sustainable development officials and city planners from across the country.
Visit the Columbia Basin Trust website to see how they are helping communities in the Columbia Basin adapt to climate change impacts with their leading-edge Communities Adapting to Climate Change Initiative.
View the report ‘Global Warming's Six Americas; June 2010’ here. This report updates and substantially extends research on the six different global warming audiences: Alarmed, Concerned, Cautious, Disengaged, Doubtful and Dismissive.
View the report ‘Americans' Actions to Conserve Energy, Reduce Waste, and Limit Global Warming: June 2010’ here. This report updates the results examining Americans' climate and energy behaviors.
Find the ICLEI Changing Climate, Changing Communities: Guide and Workbook for Municipal Climate Adaptation here. This guide and workbook is a compendium of resources that provides a five-milestone framework to assist local governments with the creation of an adaptation plan to address the relevant climate change impacts in their community.
Visit the Commission for Environmental Cooperation for case studies outlining best practices with respect to municipal energy initiatives in Canada, Mexico, and the United States, covering renewable energy generation, energy efficiency and energy-related procurement.
See the Forum for the Future’s fourth annual Sustainable Cities Index. This index takes the pulse of Britain’s 20 largest urban centres, charting their performance against key social, economic and environmental indicators.
View copies of the Journal of Nordregio no 4, 2008 and Journal of Nordregio no 4, 2009 for international examples of climate change adaptation and mitigation. Also available is the Climate Change Emergencies and European Municipalities—Guidelines for Adaptation and Response
Download the report Turning Point on Climate Change? Emergent Municipal Response in Sweden: Pilot Study produced by Richard Langlais, Per Francke, Johan Nilsson & Fredrik Ernborg
Visit A transnational project that aims to help decision makers, businesses and planners to deal with the new situation caused by changes in climate in the Baltic Sea Region.
Visit SymbioCity and learn about concepts that combine urban systems and the benefits from these synergies.