Decision Making

Energy Transformation

This article by the Worldwatch Institute argues pervasively that although private sector investments in renewables are soaring, without fundamental electricity grid transformation we will not be able to deliver on Paris climate commitments. The underlying architecture of electricity grids run nearly exclusively as natural monopolies, and where power flows in one direction is a dinosaur ill-suited to meet modern energy needs and climate imperatives.

The Time has Come for a National Basic Income System

Basic income has been getting a lot of media attention lately, largely due to the Ontario liberal government’s plan to include a pilot project in their latest budget. Basic income action groups are happening on local and regional levels, and more and more, people are beginning to demand a better solution for social assistance for those in transition than existing programs provide.

Edging Forward

One in seven Canadians live in poverty and there are an estimated 150,000 to 300,000 people homeless. Last year close to 900,000 Canadians used food banks every month, with over one third of those children. Basic income is getting a lot of media attention lately, largely due to the Ontario government’s plan to include a pilot project in their recent budget.

Moving Forward on the Agenda

I am sharing with you today an exciting new network in British Columbia, the LEO Network, that enables indigenous and other communities to share their observations of unusual environmental change or health concerns in their communities. It enables a connection with broader networks of subject matter experts and other people who can help to understand the changes happening. It builds upon the well tested beta model in Alaska which has been endorsed by both President Obama and the Arctic Council.

Cities of the Future

In The shareable future of cities, Alex Steffen is challenging us to keep asking questions, and take a look at solving climate change in a novel ways. He argues that it’s possible that concentrating all our efforts solely on the transition from fossil fuel generation to clean energy alternatives may in fact be setting us up for failure. He explains: “We live in a planet that is rapidly urbanizing…by mid-century there could be 8 billion or more people living in cities or within a day’s travel of one”.