Views from the Edge

Conversations from the Edge

Welcome to the CRC blog, where we discuss bleeding edge issues around sustainable community development. The term ‘bleeding edge’ connotes the idea of our failure to somehow or other convince the publics about the urgency of responding to climate change now, and that we need to better communicate the principles and practises of sustainable development to the wider publics. So, yes it takes courage to be 'at the edge', and sometimes one 'bleeds' a lot, but let's start the conversation now.

The Ugly, the Bad and the Good

Global carbon dioxide emissions are projected to rise again in 2017, by up to 2 percent.

Pesticides Ban

Based on scientific evidence showing the damage that neonicotinoids have contaminated landscapes…

Waste Not Want Not

If you buy a Belgian waffle at a food festival this weekend in Ubud, Bali, you’ll be able to eat…

The World She is a Changin'

Solar power was the fastest-growing source of new energy worldwide last year, outstripping the…

COP 23

To read more details about the next round of international climate negotiations, click here.

Integrated Innovations

Small farms in Japan are struggling to survive, but two new farms are experimenting with solar…

Transformative Change

In spite of the dire predictions about Trump's withdrawal from COP 21, American states, cities and…

Leaping Forward on Climate Change

A group of national organizations, including the Canadian Public Health Association issued an open…

In Memory of Bravery

My father, Milton Clarence James Dale, was a celebrated second world war hero, Distinguished Flying…

In Memory of Bravery

My father, Milton Clarence James Dale, was a celebrated second world war hero, Distinguished Flying…

Pathway to Paris

“Art, I believe, has great potential for changing the way we discuss an issue as important as…