Indexed by author: |
Social capital and climate change Adger, Neil W. (2001). Social capital and climate change, Working Paper 8. Centre for Climate Change Research. School of Environmental Sciences University of East Anglia, Norwich. |
Social capital, collective action, and adaptation to climate change Adger, Neil W. (Oct 2003). Social capital, collective action, and adaptation to climate change. Economic Geography, 79, 4, 387-404. |
Revisiting the Los Angeles neighborhood initiative Arefi, Mahyar. (June 2003). Revisiting the Los Angeles neighborhood initiative (LANI): Lessons for planners. Journal of Planning Education and Research, 22, 4, 384-399. |
The Role of Civic Environmentalism in the Pursuit of Sustainable Communities Agyeman, Julian, Angus, Briony. (2003). The Role of Civic Environmentalism in the Pursuit of Sustainable Communities. Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, 43, 6, 345-363. |
Participatory Institutional Development Baas, S. (1997). From a paper presented at the International Academic Exchange Conference on Sustainable Agriculture and Sand Control in Gansu Desert Area, China, November 3 -8. Baas explores the concept of participatory institutional development as a way of increasing social capital. Specific steps to achieving participatory institutional development include process, empowerment, collaborative decision-making and networking. Baas focuses on a framework for implementation, which includes principal elements in the strengthening of social capital via small group formation at the grassroots level. As well, Baas explores strengthening horizontal organizational and institutional linkages and strengthening vertical organizational and institutional linkages for poverty alleviation. This paper is useful in identifying the components needed for successful rural development and in providing a framework as a tool for building communities at the grassroots level.. |
Environmental Activism and Social Networks Batterbury, S. (November 2003). Environmental Activism and Social Networks: Campaigning for bicycles and alternative transport in West London. Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 590, p150. |
A systems perspective on the interrelations between natural, human-made and cultural capital. Berkes, F. and C. Folke. (1996) A systems perspective on the interrelations between natural, human-made and cultural capital. Stockholm: The Beijer International Institute of Ecological Economics, The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, October 8 1991, Ecological Economics, 5 (1) |
Social capital and community governance Bowles, S. and H. Ginitis. (2002). Social capital and community governance. The Economic Journal 112: F419-F436 |
Building the Sustainable Community: is Social Capital the Answer? Bridger, J. and Luloff, A.E. (2001). Sociological Inquiry 71(4): 458-472. Environmental sustainability has recently become the focus of many community development initiatives. Emphasis has shifted from global to local projects to achieve waste reduction, efficient energy use and protection of natural resources. However, there are many social barriers to these goals, including issues of trust and cooperation. In this article, Bridger and Luloff argue that we can overcome some of these barriers and engage more collective action by increasing the stock of social capital. However, this article lacks analytical depth due to a stated need for a more concrete definition and understanding of social capital before it can be implemented as a central component of public policy. |
Bridging Organizational and Sustainable Development Brown, D. (1991). Human Relations 44(8): 807-831. This article discusses the role of bridging organizations in the creation of horizontal and vertical networks between organizations to achieve sustainability. The role of network formation is discussed as well as horizontal and vertical linkages. Several examples of bridging organizations and their success in development projects are discussed. Different types of relationships, including loose associations and national coalitions are discussed in terms of project performance. Impact of organization diversity is also outlined. This is an excellent paper for examining network formation and its importance in development projects. |
Social capital, civil society, and social transformation Carr, Michael. (2000). Social capital, civil society, and social transformation. In Woollard, Robert F., Ostry, Aleck S. (Eds.), Fatal Consumption: Rethinking Sustainable Development. (pp. 69-97). Canada: UBC Press. |
Social capital, local capacity building and poverty reduction Carroll, T.F. (2001). Social capital, local capacity building and poverty reduction. Asian Development Bank. Social development paper no. 3. |
The Sociologist's Approach to Sustainable Development Cernea, M. (1993). Finance and Development 30(4): 11-13. The social components of sustainable development are no less important than the economic ones. In this article, the socially constructed components of sustainable development are explored and the creation of social capital is seen as central to this. Furthermore, the article examines a set of tools that help to explain social action, interaction, relationships, institutions and cultural values that shape people and society. Organizational intensity and density are discussed in terms of the creation of social capital. This article offers new insight on the sociological perspective of sustainable development and is helpful in clarifying the importance of this component. |
New Maps of Knowledge Some Animadversions (Friendly) on: Science (Reductionist), Social Science (Hermeneutic), Research (Unmanageable) and Universities (Unmanaged) Checkland, P. (2000). Systems Research Behavioural Science, 17 (supplement): S59-S75. Valedictory Lecture delivered at the University of Lancaster on 19/11/1997. Valedictories should be reflective: I see them as secular sermons. This one reflects my two careers 15 years in ICI, nearly thirty here and I shall try to draw lessons for universities in their present changed and perilous situation, lessons which are coloured by what I have learnt in my two careers. |
Social Capital and Sustainable Development: the Role of Formal and Informal Institutions in a Developing Country Chopra, Kanchan. (2001). Lecture prepared for Institute of Economic Growth, University Enclave. The traditional institutional divisions in society are counter-productive but the cooperation and reaching out between individuals (the creation of social capital) plays a role in the achievement of sustainable development. This paper illustrates this concept using studies conducted by the author in three regions of India. Long-term sustainability depends on the reaching out between agents and across regions. The paper draws on both recent literature and case studies to provide a comprehensive interpretation of both social capital and sustainable development. |
Social capital in the creation of human capital Coleman, James S. (1988). Social capital in the creation of human capital. American Journal of Sociology , 94, (supplement), S95 – S120. (1990). Foundations of Social Theory. USA: The Belkap Press of Harvard University. |
Building social capital. Cox, E. (1997) Building social capital. Health Promotion Matters, 4: 1-4. |
Making policy social Cox, E and P. Caldwell (2000). Making policy social. In I. Winter [Ed.], Social capital and public policy in Australia. Melbourne: Australian Institute of Family Studies. |
Social capital, networks and community environments Daniere, A., Takahashi, L.M. and NaRanong, A. (2002). Social capital, networks and community environments in Bangkok, Thailand. Growth and Change, 33(4), 453-484. |
Civic responsibility and the environment Domenico, Parisi, Taquino, Michael, Grice, Steven Michael, Duane, A. Gill. (2004). Civic responsibility and the environment: linking local conditions to community environmental activeness. Society and Natural Resources, 17, 97-112. |
Diversity and Specialisation in Cities Duranton, G. And D. Puga. (2000). Diversity and Specialisation in Cities: Why, Where and When Does it Matter? Urban Studies 37 (3): 533-555 |
Government action, social capital and development Evans, Peter. (1996). Government action, social capital and development: Reviewing the evidence on synergy, World Development, 24, 6, 1119-1132. |
Civic engagement and lifelong learning Field, J. (Autumn, 2003). Civic engagement and lifelong learning: Survey findings on social capital and attitudes towards learning, Studies in the Education of Adults, 35, 12, p142. |
The Development State is Dead: Long Live Social Capital? Fine, B. (1999). The Development State is Dead: Long Live Social Capital?, Development and Change, Vol. 30, No. 1, pp 1-19, 1999 |
Social capital and communities of place Flora, Jan, L. (December 1998). Social capital and communities of place., Rural Sociology, 63, 4, 481-506 (26). |
The paradox of civil society Foley, Micheal W., Edwards, Bob. (1996) The paradox of civil society. Journal of Democracy, 7.3, 38-52. |
The effects of sprawl on neighbourhood social ties, an explanatory analysis Freeman, Lance. (2001). The effects of sprawl on neighbourhood social ties, an explanatory analysis. American Planning Association. Journal of the American Planning Association, 67, 1, 69, 77. |
Innovative milieu and social capital Fromhold- Eisebith, Martina. (September 2004). Innovative milieu and social capital--complementary or redundant concepts of collaboration-based regional development? AEuropean Planning Studies, 12, 6, 747-765. |
Social Capital, Civil Society and Development Fukuyama, Francis (2001). Third World Quarterly 22 (1): 7-20. Fukuyama defines social capital as an instantiated social norm that promotes cooperation between individuals. Here, he explores both the political and economic importance of social capital. Economically, social capital reduces transaction costs, and in the political sphere, promotes a dense civil society. Social capital is often a byproduct of religion, shared historical experience and tradition and therefore is difficult to create using public policy. This paper provides a clear definition of social capital, addresses its importance in modern society and examines how the current stock of social capital may be increased. Of specific interest are the methods which Fukuyama lists as being essential for an increase in the stock of social capital (education, stable and safe environments, more organization in the private sector rather than by the government, religion). |
Science for the 21st Century Gallopin, G.C., S. Funtowicz, M. O’Connor and J. Ravetz. (2001) Science for the 21st Century: Social contract to the scientific core. International Social Science Journal, 53 (168), 219-229. |
Trapped in Your Own Net? Network Cohesion, Structural Holes, and the Adaptation of Social Capital Gargiulo, M. and Benassi, M. (2000) Trapped in Your Own Net? Network Cohesion, Structural Holes, and the Adaptation of Social Capital, Organization Science, Vol 11/2, pp 183 -196, 2000 This paper explores the tension between two opposite views on how networks create social capital. Network closure (Coleman 1988) stresses the role of cohesive ties in fostering a normative environment that facilitates cooperation. Structural hole theory (Burt 1992) sees cohesive ties as a source of rigidity that hinders the coordination of complex organizational tasks. |
The strength of weak ties Granovetter, M. (1973) The strength of weak ties. American Journal of Sociology, 78 (6): 1360-1380 The argument asserts that our acquaintances (weak ties) are less likely to be socially involved with one another than are our close friends (strong ties). Thus the set of people made up of any individual and his or her acquaintances comprises a low-density network (one in which many of the possible relational lines are absent) whereas the set consisting of the same individual and his or her close friends will be densely knit (many of the possible lines are present). |
Social Capital: the Missing Link? Grootaert, C. (1998) Social Capital Initiative Working Paper No.3. Social capital is identified as the missing link in sustainable development theory because it explains the way in which people interact and organize themselves to generate economic growth and development. However, the more detailed definitions and measures of social capital have yet to be identified. This paper examines the different concepts of social capital, its effects on economic outcomes as well properties and indicators of social capital. A clear and detailed account of the views and effects of social capital is also provided. |
Science policy for multilateral environmental governance Haas, P.M. (2002). Science policy for multilateral environmental governance International Environmental Governance Reform, United Nations University Institute of Advanced Studies. |
People, Partnerships and Human Progress: Building Community Capital Hancock, Trevor.(2001). Health Promotion International 16 (3): 275-280. Hancock explores health as a form of wealth and focuses on the importance of human and social capital. The combination and balance of all four capitals: social, ecological, human and economic can be seen as "community capital". The challenge facing us today is to increase all four forms of capital simultaneously. To achieve this goal, there is a need for more work in the private sector, making human development a priority and integrating economic, environmental and social policy. Specific examples of how we can build community capital include: community gardens, sustainable transportation systems and energy conservation projects. This article is useful in recognizing the importance of social capital within the sustainable development framework and in identifying specific ways in which we can build and increase social or "community" capital. |
Civic Elites and Corporate Delocalization: an Alternative Explanation for Declining Civic Engagement Heying, Charles, H. (1997). American Behavioral Scientist 40(5): 657-668. This article examines the decline of social capital. Heying, unlike Putnam, states that the decline in social capital is due to lower rates if elite engagement in civic affairs. In other words, delocalization and globalization have weakened the community's ability to sustain associational life. Heying uses a study of rates of elite engagement in large US cities to discuss these points. This article provides an interesting alternative to Putnam's explanations for declining social capital. |
Using social capital to help integrate planning theory, research, and practice Hutchinson, J., Vidal, A. C. (Spring 2004). Using social capital to help integrate planning theory, research, and practice. HAmerican Planning Association. Journal of the American Planning Association, 70(2), 142 -193 |
A (social) capital idea Holm, A. (Winter 2004). A (social) capital idea Harvard International Review, 25(4), p.24. |
Civil Society, Social Capital and Development: Dissection of a Complex Discourse Hyden, Goran. (1997). Studies in Comparative International Development 30(1): 3-30. This paper discusses civil society and social capital in political and social terms. The interactions between civil society, social capital and development are examined and analyzed on various levels. The main relevant information in this article is the statement that civil society is essential for the creation of social capital. |
Social capital and poor communities Isaac, C.B. (Winter 2003). Social capital and poor communities. American Planning Association. Journal of the American Planning Association, 69(1), 95- 97. |
Social capital and politics Jackman, Robert W., Miller, Ross, A.(1998). Social capital and politics. Annual Review of Political Science. 1, 47 - 73. |
The relationship of urban design to human health and condition Jackson, Laura E. (August 15, 2003). The relationship of urban design to human health and condition. Landscape and Urban Planning, 64:4, 191-200. |
Social Capital, Participation and Sustainable Development: Recent Examples of Inclusive Consultation in New Zealand Killerby, P. (2001). International Community Development Conference. Rotorua, New Zealand. Recently there has been an increased interest in social capital as a tool for sustainable development. Over the past few years, there has been a wave of interest by local groups and organizations in New Zealand in participatory decision-making. This paper addresses the background, processes and lessons learned from the exercises conducted in New Zealand. Furthermore, a definition and overview of the concept of social capital is provided along with an examination of the link between social capital and sustainable development. This paper provides an excellent description of social capital concepts and illustrates these with the use of diagrams and schemas. |
Social Capital Assessment Tool Krishna, A. and Shrader, E. (1999). Prepared for the Conference on Social Capital and Poverty Reduction. June 22-24, 1999 New and different measurement tools for social capital have emerged as the concept has become more recognized. This paper attempts to answer whether social capital measurement should vary from region to region and identify the best tools for measurement. Part one of this paper addresses main issues and therefore includes opposing views from analysts who support different methods of measurement. Part two identifies a set of tools for uniform methodology using a framework developed from existing methodological approach. |
Moving from the Stock of Social Capital to the Flow of Benefits: The Role of Agency Krishna, A. (2001). "Moving from the Stock of Social Capital to the Flow of Benefits: The Role of Agency." World Development 29(6) June 2001, pp 925-943. Available online from: Comparing results for 60 villages in Rajasthan, India, it is seen that having a high level of social capital does not always help to achieve high performance in conservation and development programs. Stocks of social capital need to be drawn upon actively, and capable agency is necessary in addition to high social capital. A locally relevant scale of social capital is devised for making this comparison. Variables corresponding to other bodies of explanation, including extent of commercialization, relative stratification, and relative need are also examined, but a combination of high social capital and capable agency is found to associate most closely with high conservation and development performance. |