A new visualization has been released in the CRC Visualizations section.
The MC3 Peer-to-Peer Learning Exchange brought together a diverse mix of practitioners, academics, and local government to engage in discussion on local climate change innovations occuring in BC communities. Learning Exchange participants were arranged into seven roundtables and their discussions were guided by the following questions.
- What innovations are leading BC communities taking on climate change?
- What are the drivers and how can other communities learn from these examples?
- How are these actions changing the way things are done and how decisions are made at the local scale?
MC3 research team members and partners took notes on the substantive content of the discussions, and a word cloud was developed from the complied notes, displaying common reoccurring themes and their relative strengths (by size of the word). Proper names of roundtable participants and grammatical terms (e.g., prepositions) were removed from notes before creating the word clouds to ensure that they represent conceptual content of the discussions.
The word cloud is housed in the visualization mind maps section of our website, and other visualizations produced from the MC3 Peer-to-Peer Learning Exchange can be seen by visiting this webpage. Click on the image below to expand.