Environment and Climate Change Canada just published a new field guide for species at risk in British Columbia. This pocket guide contains information on 85 of the 200 federally listed species that are either endangered, at risk, or of special concern—including unique birds, plants, and other wildlife. As part of their Species at Risk Act, the Government of Canada established the Species at Risk Public Registry, which invites the public to document sightings. This accompanying guide contains information that can help people identify the terrestrial species listed, find the places where they may live, and learn about the threats they face.
While some species at risk are rare or hard to find, others are abundant in some places. Follow these steps if you think you spot a species at risk:
- Take a picture, with a common object (if possible) to illustrate scale.
- Document where and when you saw it.
- Report the sighting to the BC Conservation Data Centre.
- Contact Environment and Climate Change Canada if you observe any threats to the species or its habitat.
- If you spot a species at risk on land that you own or manage, check out the appendix of the guide to learn more.
Monarch Butterfly (special concern), by Kenneth Dwain Harrelson, via Wikiemedia Commons
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