Views from the Edge

Conversations from the Edge

Welcome to the CRC blog, where we discuss bleeding edge issues around sustainable community development. The term ‘bleeding edge’ connotes the idea of our failure to somehow or other convince the publics about the urgency of responding to climate change now, and that we need to better communicate the principles and practises of sustainable development to the wider publics. So, yes it takes courage to be 'at the edge', and sometimes one 'bleeds' a lot, but let's start the conversation now.

Migrations in Motion

It’s no secret that scientists struggle to communicate their imperative research to the public.

What is a 21st Century Curator?

By: Jaime Clifton, Research Curator

A No-Brainer

The Liberals are currently considering priorities for the new infrastructure funding they recently…

High Time for the High Seas

The High Seas are home to the largest habitat for life on earth, covering over half our planet.…

I love this guy

Elon Musk, in his latest clean energy innovation, has purchased SolarCity to make solar ‘shingles…

What is a 21st Century Curator?

By: Jaime Clifton, Research Curator

All Eyes Are On Brazil

While all eyes are on Brazil for the 2016 Summer Olympic Games, Conservation International is…

Don't Judge a Book By Its Cover!

Leonardo Da Vinci was one of the earliest known inventors that looked to nature for design…

Peace and Harmony

Daniel Barenboim, the Israeli-Argentinian maestro leads his West-Eastern Divan…

What is a 21st Century Curator?

By: Jaime Clifton, Research Curator

How Rapidly We Are Burning?

Back in May, Ed Hawkins shared his spiral climate GIF animating the rapid nature of global warming…

How Trees Talk to Each Other

Suzanne Simard, a professor of forest ecology at the University of British Columbia's…