
Vitality Tool Results - Saskatchewan and Manitoba

Vitality Indices

Vitality index values are calculated using results from the survey, and graphs displayed upon this page are updated automatically as more data is collected. Indices for each indicator are created by collating response data that relate to a particular indicator and then transforming and averaging data in a manner that distributes it evenly on a fixed scale. The indices are comparative values as they provide a quantitative measure for each of the six proxy indicators.

The figure below summarizes the results of the survey taken by residents of communities within Saskatchewan and Manitoba. The further toward the outer edge the graph green data points migrate, the higher the community vitality is for that indicator. The only exception to this trend is the 'Dead Space' data point. Presence of dead space is contrary to community vitality; thus, data points move outward with a decrease in dead space. Under this system, data points will migrate outward as observed perceptions of community wellbeing tend toward higher vitality (and vice versa with a lower degree of perceived vitality). We would like to reiterate that these indices are not based on absolute numbers but are based on perceptions.

The above figure provides a general overview of the surveys results; however, it does not provide specific numbers. The figure below displays overall results of perceived vitality for communities in Saskatchewan and Manitoba and compares it with your response (i.e., the most recently submitted survey). Since survey responses are placed on a scale from 'Strongly Disagree' to 'Strongly Agree', collected data has polarity and vitality indices reflect this polarity by occurring on a scale between -1 and 1. Negative values are indicative of responses tending toward the 'disagree' end of the scale, and positive values are indicative of responses tending toward 'agree'. Data undergoes a natural logarithmic transformation (using absolute values) before being conformed to this scale in order to distribute data evenly along the scale.


Descriptive Statistics

The index values are created through transformed averages and are abstract; therefore, descriptive statistics for each question are presented in the table below to allow you to compare your responses (i.e., 'Current') with averaged responses. Statistical averages displayed are mode and median because data collected in the survey was done on a 1 to 6 Likert Scale and is non-parametric.



This page displays results for data collected for your region (Saskatchewan and Manitoba). To see your region’s vitality data compared with other regions, click here.

To contribute your own proxy indicators to the Vitality Project, click here.