Indexed by author: |
Envisioning a Sustainable Society: Learning Our Way Out Milbrath, L.B. 1989. Albany, NY: State University of New York. The main theme of this book is on learning our way to a sustainable society. The most relevant information can be found in Chapter four where the required values for a sustainable society are discussed along with the need to learn new ways of thinking. This is not the most useful source. |
Social Capital: A theory of social structure and action Nan, L. January 2004. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. |
No Place Like Home: Building Sustainable Communities Nozick, M. 1992. Ottawa: Canadian Council on Social Development. The focus of this book is to provide an alternative vision to the development of sustainable communities. The five themes explored in this book are economic self-reliance, ecological development, the gaining of community control of resources, the meeting of individual needs and the building of a community culture. This book discusses relevant information such as t loss of diversity, the need for integration and autonomy, the importance of community culture and the explanations for recent community breakdown. This is an excellent source, written in language everyone can understand and addresses some of the most pressing issues today, along with possible solutions. |
Sources of Social Capital Onyx. J and P. Bullen. 2000. In I. Winter [Ed.] Social Capital and Public Policy in Australia. Melbourne: Australian Institute of Family Studies. |
The difference faces of Social Capital in NSW Australia Onyx. J and P. Bullen. 2000. In P. Dekker and E. Uslander [Eds.] Social Capital and participation in everyday life. London: Routledge |
Investing in capital, institutions and incentives Ostrom, E. 1997. In C. Clague [Ed.] Institutions and economic development: Growth and governance in less-developed countries. Baltimore: John Hopkins University Press. |
The Sustainable Society: Implications for Limited Growth Pirages, D.C. 1977. New York: Praeger Publishers. This volume examines sustainable growth and its environmental, economic, political and social implications. Chapter thirteen is useful in exploring the social innovations required for a sustainable global society. The change in lifestyle due to increased electronic usage is explored and the loss of family and neighborhood ties is discussed. This is a useful and comprehensive volume on sustainability but somewhat outdated. |
Making Democracy Work: Civic traditions in modern Italy Putnam, Robert D. 1993. New Jersey: Princeton University Press |
Bowling Alone: the collapse and revival of American community Putnam, Robert D. 2000. New York: Simon and Schuster |
Community Organizing in a Diverse Society Rivera, F.G. 1995. Boston: Allyn & Bacon. Although the main focus of this book is on community development for women and people of ethnic minority, chapter twelve is relevant to the research as it explores the meaning of community development and restoration. Different definitions of community are given and the reasons for the disappearance of communities are explored. These reasons include the loss of "rooting" to place, increased mobility (commuting) and increased role of the state in regulating community functions. This book is useful in exploring function of community and the process of community restoration. However, all relevant information is contained in chapter twelve. |
Eco-City Dimensions: Healthy Communities, Healthy Planet Roseland, M. 1997. Gabriola Island, Canada: New Society Publishers. Focus here is on urban development and eco-city planning. Chapter four is relevant to the research as it discusses the importance of human development and sustainable communities. Figure 1 on page 43 illustrates the importance of community, human and social development. Chapter five is also relevant and discusses the need for communities to be more independent. In this chapter, local employment trading systems are discussed. |
Social Capital: Critical Perspectives Schuller, T., S. Baron and J. Field. 2000. Social Capital: Critical Perspectives. Oxford University Press "Social capital," a new idea gaining worldwide recognition, is explored in this book through studies of education, health, political science, urban regeneration, and economic development. Providing a unique overview of the topic, together with critical discussion of its application in a wide variety of fields, the volume offers the first full critical analysis of social capital, written by academics, professionals and policy specialists who are all distinguished and prominent contributors in their own fields. |
Social Network Analysis Scott, J. 1991. London: Sage Publications |
Off Course Taylor, D.M. 1994 Ottawa: International Development Research Centre. Taylor discusses Canada and the environment in a global context. There is a limited amount of relevant information in this book and it is found in chapter six. Chapter six details the principles of sustainable development and the need for social sustainability. Figure 5 on page 63 illustrates sense of belonging, acceptance, love and affection as being general social needs. The main use of this book is to solidify the social components of sustainable development. The rest of the information is otherwise irrelevant the research. |
The Well-Being of Nations: The Role of Human and Social Capital 2001. Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development. This report has three main purposes. First, it describes the latest investment in human capital and the effects of this investment. Secondly, it attempts to clarify the concept of social capital. Thirdly, it identifies the role of human and social capital in achieving sustainable development. Page 13 is useful as it states the importance and norms, networks, belonging and participation. Page 14 concludes that investments in human and social capital are required for sustainable development. On page 50 and 51 factors contributing to the decline of social capital are discussed. These include television, urban sprawl and loss of family ties. The report concludes by stating that investment in human and social capital is needed to "sustain the well-being of future generations". This is a very useful source. |
Towards Sustainable Development: Indicators to Measure Progress Proceedings of the OECD Rome Conference. 2000. The majority of this report includes environmental measures and indicators of progress in sustainable development in OECD countries. However, on page 145 the social indicators of sustainable development, including the promotion of autonomy, equity, healthy living and social cohesion are discussed. Other than this small section, the report focuses mainly on environmental aspects of sustainable development. |
Six Degrees: The Science of a Connected Age Watts, D. 2003, W.W. Norton and Company, New York. Watts, one of the principal architects of network theory, sets out to explain the innovative research that he and other scientists are spearheading to create a blueprint of this connected planet. From epidemics of disease to outbreaks of market madness, from people searching for information to firms surviving crisis and change, from the structure of personal relationships to the technological and social choices of entire societies, Watts weaves together a network of discoveries across an array of disciplines to tell the story of an explosive new field of knowledge, the people who are building it, and his own peculiar path in forging this new science. |