A new report published by Climate Outreach outlines strategies for mainstreaming low-carbon lifestyles. Drawing on key findings from Cardiff University's Low Carbon Lifestyles & Behavioural Spillover (CASPI) programme, it offers a set of recommendations for moving beyond small-scale approaches to behavioural change. Designed for policymakers, local authorities, professional campaigners, and community leaders, it is framed around on the following points:
- When does one behaviour lead to another? Why values and identity are crucial for lifestyle change;
- Promoting positive social norms around low-carbon lifestyles & the power of peer-to-peer engagement;
- Promoting positive social norms around low-carbon lifestyles & the power of peer-to-peer engagement
- Telling an authentically positive story about low-carbon lifestyles
- Learning from the past - moving from ‘nudge’ to ‘think’ as the strategy for mainstreaming low-carbon lifestyles
- Focusing on the behaviours and audiences that really matter