Giving farmers the tools to fight famine

Giving farmers the tools to fight famine is an article recently published in Embassy Magazine that discusses how climate change adaptation strategies can combat socio-economic issues such as poverty and famine.  A rapidly shifting climate has altered many local environments making them inhospitable for traditional agriculture practices, and attempting to grow foods in the same fashion done by previous generations can lead to low crop yields.  Communities that rely on agriculture for their livelihood and sustenance are dramatically affected by the famine and poverty that ensues from poor crops.  This is a particularly severe issue in rural, farming-based communities of Africa, and the noted article details work that has been done by Canadian NGOs involving the sharing of climate change resistant agricultural technologies to farming communities of Africa, particularly in Ghana.  Food production from these technologies increases to as high as 60% of the original yield, which, not only increases the health of the farming community being aided, but also benefits the communities and countries agricultural products are exported to. The work done by these NGOs is an excellent example of how climate change adaptation work can have a direct benefit on community health, people's quality of life and the global economy.