Share our climate action report!
Sustainable Canada Dialogues (SCD) is an initiative of 60+ Canadian scholars, from engineering, the sciences and social sciences, seeking to help Canada in its transition toward a low carbon economy. Our position paper, Acting on Climate Change: Solutions from Canadian Scholars, identifies positive solutions that overcome obstacles to sustainability. Our goal is to help inform Canada's climate policy in time for the federal election and UN Climate Change Conference (COP21) in Paris 2015, when world leaders will reconvene to discuss global climate action.
Because Canada's renewable energy resources are plentiful, we believe that Canada could reach 100 % reliance on low-carbon electricity by 2035. This makes it possible, in turn, to adopt a long-term target of at least an 80 % reduction in emissions by mid-century, consistent with Canada’s international climate mitigation responsibility. In the short-term, we believe that Canada, in keeping with its historical position of aligning with US targets, could adopt a 2025 target of a 26-28 % reduction in GHG emissions relative to our 2005 levels. Our ten policy options offer a feasible climate action plan “made in Canada”.
The time is ripe for action. Send a message on World Environment Day, June 5th. Help give our political leaders the courage to make Canada a front-runner in the global climate challenge. Read, endorse and share our position paper in time for June 5th!
Up next:
- The scholars will take part in e-Dialogues - online, text-based conversations. The first in our 4-part series, The Art of the Possible, took place on May 19th, with lots of interesting comments from the e-audience. Join the conversation on Tuesday, May 26th, The Provincial Context.
Latest news:
- On May 12, SCD researchers met those responsible for environmental policy of the NDP, to present their report. The plan was well received and further interactions are anticipated.
- On May 14th, Catherine Potvin presented the report at the International Cooperation Days Conference “Universal Goals, Canadian Challenges” at the University of Ottawa.
- Check out our calendar for future and past events!