We are delighted to announce that The International Journal of Climate Change: Impacts and Responses just presented Drs. Rob Newell, Ann Dale, and Mark Roseland with an award recognizing their new article, Climate Action Co-benefits and Integrated Community Planning. As an annual award, it is issued to “newly published research or thinking that has been recognized to be outstanding by members of the Climate Change: Impacts and Responses Research Network”. According to their website, “the winning article is selected from the ten highest-ranked articles emerging from the peer-review process”.
Article in Brief
Although the need for climate change adaptation and mitigation has gained widespread acceptance, the speed of implementation in many communities is too slow and patchy, especially given the latest IPCC report. Being able to illuminate the multiple benefits that can result from integrated sustainability strategies and plans strengthens the business case for even greater innovation. This calls for better understanding of the co-benefits of climate action, that is, community benefits that go beyond reducing greenhouse gas emissions and/or adapting to climate change. Our study used interview data on community climate action efforts underway in eleven Canadian communities to create models that map these relationships. The co-benefits models provide a comprehensive ‘picture’ of the implications of different climate actions, which is invaluable for decision makers, community planners and civil society leaders. The models are available online, and we encourage people to explore and adapt them for their own research, education and/or community planning purposes at www.changingtheconversation.ca/co-benefits
Visit the Climate Change: Impacts & Responses website for the full article abstract and impact statement.