Scheduled to be launched in October 2014, Changing the Conversation will provide an open source space available to practitioners, non-government organizations, civil society groups, researchers, the private sector and the community to engage in civic dialogue around critical social issues. Governed by the principles of Socratic dialogue, this space will have the capacity to host virtual real-time e-Dialogues and lead virtual peer-to-peer learning exchanges through the use of the most modern Web 2.0 technologies. In addition, it will serve as a repository for learning, best practices, tools and methodologies - a collaborative space to learn from each other, share insights and practices, and collectively build more sustainable communities.
Changing the Conversation is being developed through the a collaborative of Community Research Connections, Canada Council on Social Development, 1125@Carleton, Nature Canada, and Sustainability Solutions Group. Our vision is to change the conversation and increase civic literacy by developing a new collaboratory model, both place-based and virtual, to convene diverse sectors and groups of citizens in creative and evidence-based environments.