May 2017

New Report on Canadian Social Innovation Labs Project

Social Innovation Labs are sprouting up across Canada in response to the complex challenges facing society. Often supported by and housed in post-secondary institutions, labs foster collaboration between private/for profit, public/government, as well as academic and non-profit actors. But where are these labs located? How are they structured, housed, managed and financed? What type of projects do they undertake and what approaches do they adopt?

Blog Collective Shares Transformative Ideas on City Building

We just discovered a great blog collective called The Nature of Cities. This global platform shares transformative ideas on how cities can function as unified ecosystems for people, nature, and infrastructure. As a self-described “Idea Hive”, they focus on "design and creation of better cities for all: cities that are resilient, sustainable, livable, and just". And because of this, they believe building and urban design should be carried out through a green lens.