Urban October 2015
The UN-Habitat's Executive Director, Dr. Joan Clos invitates you to celebrate World Habitat Day and World Cities Day this October.
The UN-Habitat's Executive Director, Dr. Joan Clos invitates you to celebrate World Habitat Day and World Cities Day this October.
Take the cheers2voting challenge and get out to vote this Federal election on October 19, 2015!
The BC Healthy Communities (BCHC) Rural Aging in Place workshop is to be held in Courtenay, BC on Wednesday, October 14, 2015 10:00 am - 3:00 pm and is hosted by Island Health and the Comox Valley Regional District.
For more information, please contact Analisa Blake at 250-755-6215 x.56244 or analisa.blake@viha.ca or register here.