Nancy Averill is a policy wonk, convener and writer. As Director of Research and Methodology at the Public Policy Forum she undertakes research on a host of public sector policy and management issues and convenes leaders from all sectors of Canadian society to find collaborative solutions to public policy challenges. She has published on natural resource management, ocean policy, climate change and a host of governance and public sector management issues. Her career has spanned both the public and private sector and has included policy and management experience at the National Roundtable on the Environment and the Economy and the National Advisory Board on Science and Technology. Her career began at the City of Ottawa in community development where she developed a healthy respect for the wisdom of citizens in making collective decisions on planning issues.
Nancy is an active volunteer in her community. She currently chairs the Ottawa Women’s Executive Network, is Vice-President of the Ottawa Distress Centre, an executive member of Equal Voice, an organization promoting the political participation of women and is a cook in the Sunday Supper program of a local downtown church.
She holds a Masters degree in Public Administration and a Bachelor of Arts from Carleton University and a Diploma in Architectural Technology from Algonquin College. Born into the Métis Nation of Red River, she currently holds citizenship in the Métis Nation of Ontario.